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Forge Features: December 13, 2022

Community Cartography 003
Forge Feature 3 blog header showing Sandtrap Remake
Photo of Alex
  -  2 years ago

Welcome to our third installment of Forge Features—our final one for 2022 before the Holidays!

The community continues to make amazing Forge content that we at 343 are thoroughly impressed by; every week is made all the more exciting with the knowledge that we’re going to see some truly inspired creations, so let’s take a look at some of our latest favorites.


Credits: Pwn Jones, RANMAN10, TheHoodedManZ, microbistic9576
Bookmark: Mausoleum

Mausoleum is a map that is inspired by and takes elements of The Pit from Halo 3, something that you can see in the screenshot above, and reforges them into something altogether new.

I love the Delta Halo-inspired aesthetic, the angular simplicity and symmetry, the creative use of decals—all of which come together to make this map feel like a true, living location as well as a stellar multiplayer map for some good ol’ fashioned Slayer action!

Credits: Anvil Prime 52, Savesme6464, b0b is here
Bookmark: Absolution

Absolution has some familiar aspects of a few different maps. You might find yourself thinking of Guardian from Halo 3 at times, Sanctuary from Halo 2 at others, and you’ll notice that this is also very aesthetically reminiscent of the ancient structures seen on Delta Halo. There really is just something about those weathered stone structures...

This is a fantastic 4v4 map which supports Slayer, CTF, and King of the Hill. Hop in and give it a go with some friends!

Credits: JRGodoy
Bookmark: Sandtrap Remake

The culmination of these ancient and weathered stone-based structures naturally brings us to a remake of this iconic favorite.

It’s Sandtrap as you know and love it! Well, if you want to get technical, it’s actually Sand Tarp—the variant of the map in Halo 3 without Elephants.

I hear this version of the map is so loyal to the original, JRGodoy has ensured exactly the same number of grains of sand are present on this remade version. I leave the task of confirming the veracity of that statement (which I definitely didn’t just make up) to you.

Credits: Dellsoto
Bookmark: Betrayal

Betrayal might be one of my favorite maps I’ve seen thus far. If you’re a fan of the Forerunner aesthetics of Halo: Combat Evolved, that fascinating mix of alien materials which evoke stone and metal, you’re going to have a great time just walking around this incredible interior space.

No expense has been spared in paying close attention to detail, and you might well imagine that this could have been a real Forerunner space in the campaign.

Credits: Lord Guntaz
Bookmark: LG Jump Progression

Trick jumps in Halo. Are they super cool? They sure are! Can I do them? Absolutely not...

But if you’re among those skilled movement artists with a penchant for chain slides, curbslides, equipment jumps, and so on, you should totally check out this movement course from Lord Guntaz.

Current record time is apparent 5 minutes and 50 seconds by Exi, so go and see if you can beat them!


Moving over to additional Community Creations, we’re kicking off with DEWtheMCCOY who is now on day 34 of expediently covering the things you’ve been making.

Of course, it always helps to be reminded of the basics, right? Koma has helpfully put together a Forge tutorial which covers just that, which should be useful for folks just joining us—or those who simply want a reminder of the new systems and features of the Halo Infinite Forge Beta.

And finally, PengiPlays has put together a tutorial on how to script player traits through nodegraphs. Active camo, additional shields, infinite ammo, player gravity, headshot protection... all of these and more are options at your disposal!

And that’ll about do it for this issue. With the Holiday break coming up, we hope you all have some time to rest and jump into Forge to let loose your creativity.

Forge Features will be back in January, and we can’t wait to see what you’ve made!