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Community Spotlight

Spotlight: June 11, 2024

Crop of Halo fan art by @kaakria depicting the Master Chief holding a pride flag
Photo of Alex
  -  8 months ago

It's that time again to round up a selection of the latest and greatest community creations for a new Spotlight issue!

We've got creative cosplays, unforgettable HCS London memories, Pride Month-themed art, and plenty more to take a look at—let's dive right in.


RoberthGarzon4 kicks us off this month with a truly incredible cosplay of the Master Chief that he spent almost a year and a half building! It features LED lights, a Grappleshot attachment which can fire up to two meters along with four weapons—MA40 Assault Rifle, Mk50 Sidekick, Energy Sword, and Escharum's Diminisher of Hope—and can perfectly recreate the Master Chief's beloved sleepy pose in Halo: CE!

On the cosplay train, Sylvacan attended Anime Riverside decked out in their Tenrai finery (feat. Chonmage helmet and Dragonborn Noble shoulders). Let it be known that our collective jaws dropped upon seeing this!

From theforgerunner, an awesome, moody shot showing a model of Hyperius—one of Escharum's Spartan Killers who appears in Halo Infinite's campaign.

2204Design captures how we all felt playing the Halo 3 mission The Storm for the first time back in 2007. This will be followed either by a successful shot from the Marine, or that Mongoose is about to take a fiery tumble...

gnioros rounds out our top picks for the month with a new form of Lekgolo. Those worms can assume many different forms, and gnioros's girlfriend has seen fit to prune them into a delightfully cute balloon form!

PRIDE 2024

We're making our way through June, which means that Pride Month is here and we've absolutely loved seeing some Pride-themed community creations. And as a reminder: log into Halo Infinite this month and you will unlock the Unity armor coating for your Spartan!

kaakria's own "Unity" piece features a gorgeous illustration of the Master Chief holding a Pride flag (and headlines this month's Spotlight issue).

ODSTuber has put together a lovely render (which looks like it's an actual in-game screenshot!) of their Spartan rocking the Unity coating with Pride-themed colors in the background.

CaptainDumac is taking a moment to heroically pose with the lesbian flag before capturing it!

Oh, worm? dagger6art has discovered this lovely Lekgolo flying the non-binary flag!


HCS London may be in the rear-view mirror now, but the memories of this fantastic weekend at Twickenham Stadium have been captured by many folks who attended. Temperatures were pretty hot that weekend, so raise a glass to those who were in cosplay for both how great they look and for their impressive weather resistance.


That closes us out for another month, folks! All of you who had something featured in this installment should be sure to fill out the submission form so we can grant you your Unicorn of Fire rewards!