Winter Contingency II Event Launch

Well folks, it’s that time of year again! Craig’s debut Holiday album has released, featuring all-new hits for the Banished on Zeta Halo, such as “Hot Rod Slay”, “O Come, O Come, Escharum”, and—oh, hang on, sorry this is the wrong intro... ah, there it is.
The Winter Contingency event has returned to Halo Infinite!
Winter Contingency II runs from December 20 through January 3, bringing a free 10-tier Event Pass containing new Holiday-themed cosmetics.
For the Event Pass this year, you can progress it simply by completing Challenges, which means that you can complete the entire Event Pass at any point during the time in which the Winter Contingency II event is running. This comes as the result of community feedback from last year’s event, so we hope that this change gives players more agency to earn this free content at their own pace.
Let’s take a look at what those free ‘n’ festive cosmetics are...
Yes, that absolutely is a nightcap for your Spartan.
Speaking of the return of Flipflop, we’ve got a brand new two-part mini-comic featuring the return of Flipflop. The cosmetics you’re earning in the Event Pass? He’s gathered them up in his travels since the events of the Yappening, but he’s also brought with him some festive cheer as well.
Find the first part of the comic below, the second part releases December 27.
Happy Halodays to you all, see you on the battlefield.
Oh, and be sure to tag all your Holiday-themed Halo art with #HaloSpotlight so we can feature them in January’s Community Spotlight blog!
'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the land
Master Chief was ready, prepared to take a stand
His armor was polished, his rifle by his side
He stood guard, vigilant, ready to fight and abide
The Banished were stirring, their presence drew near
But Master Chief was ready, with no hint of fear
He loaded his rifle, and he readied his sword
Determined to protect humanity, to keep them safe from the alien horde
The Banished attacked, their numbers vast
But Master Chief fought on, his skill unsurpassed
He battled with valor, with courage and might
And with the last shot fired, he finished the fight
With the aliens defeated, their threat no longer abound
Master Chief emerged victorious, humanity was safe and sound
The people rejoiced and celebrated, their savior stood in sight
And Master Chief was hailed as a hero, on that fateful Christmas night.