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Containment Event Launch

Halo Infinite key art for the Containment event showing a HAZMAT-clad figure with two other masked humans in a corridor
Photo of Alex
  -  a year ago

With the arrival of Husky Raid in Halo Infinite, we can hardly contain our excitement, so it only seems fitting that a new event should accompany it with the opportunity to earn some free customization rewards.

The Containment event is live in Halo Infinite, bringing with it a free 10-tier Event Pass with HAZMAT-themed customization rewards for you to unlock.

Don't forget to read up on the new Husky Raid playlist, but to bring those not in the know quickly up to speed: there are two teams, everybody has random weapons with every spawn, the map is a long corridor, and you’ve got to capture the enemy flag amidst the chaos that is about to erupt.


Halo Infinite image of the Containment event's free rewards

From August 29 to September 12, the Containment event will be active.

This event is free, meaning that anyone can jump into it and progress their 10-tier Event Pass by completing Event Challenges, which will unlock customization rewards for your HAZMAT armor and Spartan ID.

Halo Infinite image of the Splice background

In addition, logging in at any time during the two-week event will unlock a free gift: the Splice background.



Halo Infinite image for the Comnet Bundle

For Spartans, attachments are not forbidden.

Pick up the Comnet Bundle and you'll be able to further outfit your MIRAGE IIC armor with the following:

  • HUL[2I]/KORDA helmet attachment
  • UTIL/PRO-Tek ComNet-2020 shoulder pads
  • Maka Macrobinocs hip attachment
  • Adrift Sapphire coating (for all armor)
  • Stepwise visor
  • Overmatch stance


Halo Infinite image for the Brainwave visor ultimate reward

Put your thinking cap on. Complete all your challenges for the week and you’ll unlock the Brainwave Visor Ultimate Reward.

Containment is now live in Halo Infinite and since the featured playlist is Husky Raid, which plays host to a variety of incredible community-made maps, now’s the perfect time to jump in and get some free rewards!

See you on the battlefield.